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Wastelands 2

Martin George R R, Silverberg Robert, Lansdale Joe R, Doctorow Cory, Card Orson Scott, Sterling Bruce, Barzak Christopher, Valentine Genevieve, Swirsky Rachel, Brin David, McHugh Maureen F, Kress Nancy, McGuire Seanan, McDevitt Jack, Adams John Joseph, Due Tananarive, Bacigalupi Paolo, Rucker Rudy, Aguirre Ann, íaz Junot, Beukes Lauren, Van Pelt James, Howey Hugh, Kerr Jake, Arkenberg Megan, Finley Toiya Kristen, Fowler Milo James, Headley Maria Dahvana, Kehrli Keffy R M, Minton D Thomas, Shehadeh Ramsey, Yant Christie
Жанр(ы): Фантастика , Постапокалипсис ,
Издательство: Titan Books
Год издания:
ISBN: 978-1-783-29150-2


For decades, the apocalypse and its aftermath have yielded some of the most exciting short stories of all time. From David Brin’s seminal “The Postman” to Hugh Howey’s “Deep Blood Kettle” and Tananarive Due’s prescient “Patient Zero,” the end of the world continues to thrill.

This companion volume to the critically acclaimed WASTELANDS offers thirty of the finest examples of post-apocalyptic short fiction, with works by:

Ann Aguirre

Megan Arkenberg

Paolo Bacigalupi

Christopher Barzak

Lauren Beukes

David Brin

Orson Scott Card

Junot Díaz

Cory Doctorow

Tananarive Due

Toiya Kristen Finley

Milo James Fowler

Maria Dahvana Headley

Hugh Howey

Keffy R. M. Kehrli

Jake Kerr

Nancy Kress

Joe R. Lansdale

George R. R. Martin

Jack McDevitt

Seanan McGuire

Maureen F. McHugh

D. Thomas Minton

Rudy Rucker & Bruce Sterling

Ramsey Shehadeh

Robert Silverberg

Rachel Swirsky

Genevieve Valentine

James Van Pelt

Christie Yant

Award-winning editor John Joseph Adams has once again assembled a who’s who of short fiction, and the result is nothing short of mind-blowing.