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More Wandering Stars

Asimov Isaac, Ellison Harlan, Haldeman Joe W, Malzberg Barry N, Singer Isaac Bashevis, Dann Jack, Gotlieb Phyllis, Gold Horace L, Gilden Mel, Jacobs Harvey, Nissenson Hugh, Schwartz Howard
Серия книг: Wandering Stars
Жанр(ы): Фантастика , Фэнтези , Научная Фантастика ,
Издательство: Jewish Lights Publishing
Год издания:
ISBN: 1-58023-063-6

This stellar collection of Jewish science fiction and fantasy carries on in the tradition of its companion volume—the enduring classic Wandering Stars—breaking new ground with every story.

Trouble with mothers; invading aliens and demons; the arrival of the long-awaited Messiah… all these phenomena and more are tackled in these tales from a creative group of extraordinary writers. We go to the edges of the universe, finding humor, pain and humanity in the unlikeliest of places and situations. Filled with wit, vigor and sharp insight, this is a fantastic feast for the imagination that will intrigue and delight everyone who picks it up, Jew and non-Jew alike.