Жанры книг

Navigators of Dune

Anderson Kevin J, Herbert Brian

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Navigators of Dune

Anderson Kevin J, Herbert Brian
Серия книг: Schools of Dune
Жанр(ы): Фантастика , Научная Фантастика ,
Издательство: Tom Doherty Associates
Год издания:
ISBN: 978-1-4668-7880-8

Set 10,000 years before Frank Herbert's classic Dune, the story tells the origins of the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood and its breeding program, the human-computer Mentats, and the Navigators, as well as a crucial battle for the future of the human race, in which reason faces off against fanaticism. These events have far-reaching consequences that will set the stage for Dune, millennia later.

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